Bargain Backdrops
Grosh Backdrops & Projections is pleased to offer Bargain Backdrops for your next performance! In this category you will find a variety of hand painted backdrops and that is offered at discounted weekly rental prices. Many of these items are smaller in size and work with a variety of popular shows and themes.
Red Striped Sunburst $295.00
Vibrant Starburst $295.00
Happy Anniversary $195.00–$295.00
Secret Agent Man $195.00–$295.00
Creepy Forest $225.00–$295.00
Stylized Musical Skyline $295.00
Antique Parlor $250.00–$295.00
Star Dancer $295.00
Whimsical Village $250.00–$295.00
Brownstone Tenement $250.00–$275.00
Farmhouse Tab Stage Right $195.00
Stone Castle $275.00–$375.00
Castle Scenic View $250.00
Russian Church in Snow $75.00
Abstract Flamenco Dancers $195.00
Eastern Landscape $250.00
Stylized Blue Sky $250.00
Ornate Bar Interior $95.00
Dutch Landscape with Windmills $125.00
Colorful Exterior with Cut Door $100.00
Stylized Old Western Street $225.00
Mt. Fuji Landscape $175.00
Seussical Land $295.00
Painted Swag Drape $195.00
Lush Tropical Rainforest $225.00
Storefronts $295.00
Mount Baker $295.00
Farmhouse Tab with Cut Door $195.00
Summer House $250.00–$295.00
Dramatic Tropical Sunset $275.00
Crashing Ocean Wave $195.00
Photorealistic Rainforest $195.00
Prehistoric Landscape $295.00
Old World Map $275.00
Conservatory Garden $225.00
Monument Valley Landscape $295.00
Photorealistic Fern Forest $195.00
Stylized Sun $275.00
Classic Emerald City $275.00
Farmhouse Tab Stage Left $175.00
Stylized Times Square $295.00
Serene Greenwood Forest $295.00
Elegant Spanish Hacienda $295.00
Legacy Garden Fountain $295.00
Persian City Skyline $295.00
Seussical Stylized Village $175.00–$250.00
Golf Course $275.00–$295.00
Dark Castle Dungeon $295.00
Tropical Forest Netted $295.00
Classic Gymnasium $295.00
Wizard of Oz Show Curtain $225.00
Mountain Snow Landscape $295.00
Peaceful Night Snow Landscape $295.00
Brilliant Rainbow $275.00
Formal Ballroom Cut Door $295.00
Stylized Nighttime Park $75.00
Stylized Central Park $125.00
White Cloud Day Sky $100.00
Musical Checkered Floor $250.00
Munchkinland on Beige Velour $250.00
Mountain Forest Landscape $295.00
Stylized Village Street $275.00
Army Tents $250.00
Fantasy Interior $295.00
Medieval Tapestry $225.00
Toyland $295.00
Dance Studio Interior $225.00
Red Parlor Scrim Interior $275.00
Edwardian Interior $295.00
Chocolate Shop $195.00
Maxime’s Cafe $295.00
Baseball Outfield $150.00
Moon Landscape $250.00
Cruise Ship Exterior $225.00
European Landscape $195.00
Parisian Storefronts $250.00
Spanish Hacienda $295.00
French Storefront $295.00
Stately Manor $225.00
French Chateau $175.00
Forest Silhouette $295.00
Daytime Irish Landscape $225.00
Stylized Tropical $195.00
Purple Stylized Jungle $195.00
Miami Skyline $250.00
Sandy Beach $295.00
Sunset Dock $250.00
Sunburst $100.00
Daytime Rocky Western Desert $225.00
Western Landscape $295.00
Chez Creole Cafe $225.00
Quaint Small Town Street $295.00
1890’s Storefront $295.00
Country Landscape Traveler 2 $100.00
Country Landscape Traveler 1 $100.00
Fishing Wharf $195.00
Farm Back Porch $175.00
Governor’s Island $175.00
Fantasy Landscape $225.00
Asian Interior $195.00
Wang’s Living Room $195.00
Stagefront Olio $275.00
Fantasy Floral Scrim Travelers $150.00
King Palace Set $125.00