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A Collection of Most Memorable Backdrops from Beauty and the Beast

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Beauty is one of the many children of an old merchant. Unlike her siblings, she is kind-hearted, well-read, and quite modest.

After some tragic events, the family loses all of its belongings and is forced to live a life without luxuries in a small town.

Beauty’s father, with the firm resolution of turning their lives around, journeys to find what’s left of their old life. Before leaving, he asks his children what they wish for him to bring to them. While all of them answer with all types of luxuries, Beauty just asks for his father to be back safe and sound, but to his insistence, she asks for a rose. 

To his dismay, he gets caught up in a storm and gets lost in a forest. Deep inside the woods, he finds a huge palace where he lets himself and finds refuge from the storm. Inside the castle, a big banquet awaits him, as well as a cozy fire and a warm bed where to rest. The following day, right before he leaves he catches sight of a beautiful rose, and being reminded of his promise to Beauty, he picks the flower, triggering the rage of the castle’s owner, who offered kindness but felt his openness was trespassed. 

The owner of the castle, who happens to be a gigantic Beast, locks the merchant, However, he then agrees to let him see his family under the condition that one of his children will take his place. The merchant agrees to save his life and heads back to his village. After his children find out about his parent’s whereabouts, they threaten to find the Beast, however, Beauty decides that it’s best to do right by the Beast and, contrary to her father’s wishes, she takes his place as the Beast’s prisoner. 

Nevertheless, when she comes to the castle, she is unexpectedly received by the Beast offering her and her father freedom. Instead of taking her as a prisoner, he simply asks her to live in the castle. Beauty welcomes the lavish life the Beast provides, and every night he asks her to marry him, but she declines every time. After a few months, Beauty encounters the image of her sick father in a mirror, and fearing the worst, she pleads for the Beast to go and let her see him. The Beast accepts but puts the firm condition to return when 8 days have passed.

When Beauty arrives home, she is met with the jealousy of her sisters, that ploy to keep her longer than 8 days to ruin her new sumptuous lifestyle. After realizing that she had broken the promise she made to the Beast, she heads back to the castle and arrives just in time to find him lying in the garden in the brick of death. Beauty pleads for his life and agrees to marry him and she has also fallen in love with him. After this confession, the Beast transforms into a handsome prince, revealing an evil Witch had turned him into the Beast years prior, cursing him for not being able to find love, and the only way to break the curse was for someone to love him for who he was. 

After breaking the curse, Beauty and the Prince fulfill their promise and get married.

A Collection of Most Memorable Backdrops from Beautyand the Beast 1

A happily ever after is the only thing that awaits them now.

A Collection of Most Memorable Backdrops from Beautyand the Beast 2

A Small Town

Immerse your audience and start your story with the fantastical setting of the Village where everything started. The Spring Village backdrop features a beautiful town overlooked by green and mighty mountains. The village has a lovely fountain at the center, with white and brown houses lining each side of the frame. Purple and green flags hang on light posts as they trail the road to a larger house with green roofs.  

For a more modern look, the Cobblestone European Street backdrop brings elegance and detail to your adaptation. It features a one-way street with tall blue, yellow, and white buildings standing on each side of the road. Stores with white curtains and big windows line up against the clear blue sky. 

European Street backdrop ES8222 fullsize scaled

On the other hand, the Castle Overlooking Village theatrical backdrop brings a closer look at the story’s main point of inflection. It showcases a lonesome but cozy town, covered in green pastures and cobblestone roads. A bridge sits at the center of the image, with a creek flowing right beneath. Two large trees frame the scene, while a big white castle stands on big mountains. 

These backdrops, available for rent, are perfect for creating one of the environments of the play; introducing the heroin of the story and her complicated family.

The Tavern

And what’s a Beauty and the Beast adaptation without Gaston’s iconic musical number? The Tavern backdrop features the inside of a bar. As the warm fireplace burns, the shelf stands and holds the many drinks and glasses. A long island with a few benches welcomes any customer. The lighting is dim and cozy.

This rentable backdrop is the perfect match for any scenes involving the unforgettable Gaston and his charming group.

The Magical Garden

A Rose for Beauty is a central theme of the story. The Estate Flower theatrical backdrop showcases a large and beautiful labyrinth-like garden. Flowers of many different colors blossom on top of the green hedges that create long aisles along the garden. In the background, a big and dark forest rises powerfully against the light blue sky. This backdrop is perfect for the landmark moment where the merchant takes the beautiful rose from the garden, triggering the Beast’s rage. 

Estate Flower Garden

Inside the Castle

Create the full Beauty and the Beast experience with the most iconic locations within the castle. The Dark Castle Interior backdrop features a dark aisle leading to an entrance. Concrete columns and marron ceilings frame the scene, while a stained window stands at the end of the hall. This backdrop is perfect for recreating the moments where the Beast holds the merchant captive in his mighty palace.

For the famous ballroom scene, the Regal Palace Interior theatrical backdrop offers a glimmering space colored in golden, silver, red, and pink. It features a large set of staircases leading to the dance floor. The entire scene is covered in light-colored carpeting. The dim lighting escalates the romantic feel, while tall windows allow more light to flow in the place.

S2886 Red Palace Interior 2 scaled

For a more detailed background, the Grand Ballroom backdrop showcases a set of marble stairs at the center of the scene, with maroon and golden railings. The floors are covered in purple, yellow, and blue patterns, while the blue walls with large windows and maroon drapings stand on the back.

Rent these backdrops and use them to create a magical atmosphere for Beauty and Beast’s emblematic dance scene.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Beauty and the Beast backdrop?

Beauty and the Beast’s most popular backdrop is the ballroom backdrop where they share their iconic romantic moment. You may use the Regal Palace Interior or the Grand Ballroom theatrical backdrop to bring life to this moment.

What backdrop represents the Beauty and the Beast themes?

The backdrop that represents the Beauty and the Beast themes best is the garden backdrop, as the rose is one of the most important elements of the story. 

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