Leafy Forest Border
5'h x 50'w
$100.00 ES7909
Make sure your forest-themed stage decoration is complete by using our theatrical backdrop, Leafy Forest Border. The border features a thick canopy of trees filled with green leaves and branches. This product may be used with Lush Green Forest, ES7906 and Forest Legs Set, ES7908.
The combination of the stage borders, legs, and main stage backdrops will bring out the beauty of your set for your production. You can use these beautiful backdrops for musicals and plays such as A Midsummer Night's Dream, Snow White, Sleeping Beauty, Robin Hood, Hansel and Gretel, and many other titles.
Rent the stage backdrop, Leafy Forest Border for your stage today by calling Grosh. You can also check availability and rent directly online. We rent to all of the U.S., Canada and Puerto Rico. If you are located in Canada and Puerto Rico give us a call and we can place your order.