Tropical House

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22'h x 50'w $425.00 ES2469
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The Tropical House backdrop from Grosh Rentals can be your own hideaway in paradise! This beautiful beach drop features a small hut with a red roof, surrounded by bright, pink flowers and lush green foliage. Next to the hut are large palm trees and a sandy beach. In the distance, there is a lone, volcanic island. The sky is full of white puffy clouds. This backdrop can work well for productions of Once On This Island or South Pacific. Reach out to our friendly and helpful Backdrop Consultants here at Grosh Rentals to rent Tropical House in your next order today! You can also reserve stage backdrops directly through our website!


  • Log onto your Grosh account using your username and password
  • Complete Rental Agreement and accept Terms & Conditions by clicking ACCEPT.
  • Pay $100 (non-refundable) deposit per backdrop or drapery/per rental week or full balance

Grosh accepts all major credit cards

  • If paying by check, it must be received 14 days after placing your order.
  • (Schools Only) Signed Purchase Orders must be received and approved within 10 days of placing the order