Broadway Velour

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22'3h x 48'w $375.00 ES1656
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Take your spectators to New York City with our Broadway Velour.  Let them feel the pulsating energy of the metropolis with this backdrop portraying the Big Apple’s neon lights, outdoor advertisements, and building signs. It showcases the city’s nightlife, hotels, dining establishments, and entertainment destinations. NOTE: Backdrop Weighs 133 lbs. You can reserve this stage backdrop for titles such as a Annie, Guys and Dolls, Great GatsbyMame, Singin’ in the Rain, Thoroughly Modern Millie, Crazy for You, and many more. To rent our theatrical backdrop, Broadway Velour for your play or musical, please call Grosh Backdrops and Drapery today or check the availability and order directly online.  


  • Log onto your Grosh account using your username and password
  • Complete Rental Agreement and accept Terms & Conditions by clicking ACCEPT.
  • Pay $100 (non-refundable) deposit per backdrop or drapery/per rental week or full balance

Grosh accepts all major credit cards

  • If paying by check, it must be received 14 days after placing your order.
  • (Schools Only) Signed Purchase Orders must be received and approved within 10 days of placing the order