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Grosh has Creative Mojo

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Grosh’s Custom Department is made up of some amazingly talented artists who are always willing to flex their creative muscles for clients.  Sometimes this means creating an original backdrop for clients and other times, maybe something quite unexpected.  Grosh’s Lead Scenic Artist, Greg Viera shares with us what happens within Grosh’s artistic department.

Can you share with us some of the creative projects you have completed for clients that are not painted backdrops?

Greg: There are so many! Here are two different examples; one that is quite small in size compared to what we normally create and the other similar to backdrops in size. We painted a 5’ x7’ mural for a client that was to be mounted on a roller and then installed as a TV cover. When TV was not in use,  beautiful artwork was concealing the equipment behind it seamlessly. We painted a large mural on the outside of a building in downtown LA for HTC/Smuggler that was used as a backdrop in a TV commercial. It was painted to look as if it was created with paintball guns.

Is it exciting to come up with creative solutions for clients?

Greg: It is always exciting to come up with creative idea that actual overcome issues. Mostly, when clients ask for custom estimates it is because they have unique obstacle to overcome. I find my own creativity and that of the artists on staff is really sparked by the desire to produce solutions. This is both rewarding and exciting.

HTC Commercial Mural Downtown LA
HTC Commerical, Wall Painted By Grosh

What has been your greatest creative challenge?

Greg: What comes to mind first is when we made drops for the E3 convention for Stungun. The idea was to create a cave interior for the new Lord of the Rings video game display. They needed fabric that was shear, but still showed the painting and also could meet the California flame retardant standards. The solution involved making several drops that would work together as one effect. We tested a number of samples to find a fabric that met their budget as well as creative needs. It was magnificent when it was installed!! I was very proud of the Grosh Team.

What are  some of your favorite custom backdrops Grosh has produced?

Greg: Wow, there are too many to mention them all. We did two backdrops for Pearl Jam that I really liked. I also thought the eagle backdrop we did for Lynyrd Skynyrd was impressive. It is always fun to do work for Bands. I think the backdrop we did for Southland Ballet was very nice. I also love our Nutcracker backdrops.

Do you have a personal creative philosophy or motto? If so, please share.

Greg: My approach is based on meeting the client’s needs and desires. As such I constantly adjust my approach to what meets their needs. I believe it is an artist’s prerogative to be flexible; working with clients always expands my creative views. I am thankful for this.  

What artists and artistic styles are you most influenced by?

Greg: Having worked over 30 years as a motion picture scenic artist I can say many of the artists I worked with have had great influence. Some of the more famous artists that have inspired and influenced my work include Thomas Hart Benton, Thomas Kinkade, and Rousseau.

What is your dream art project?

Greg:  I would love to do a large outside mural in downtown LA; something that covers the history of LA or perhaps the film industry. I have done a number of wall murals in the past, but would find it incredibly special to design as well as paint a mural that could become a landmark feature for the city.

What kind of goals do you have for Grosh Customs?

Greg: I want to continue to service our existing client base while exposing what Grosh offers to other industries outside of film and entertainment. The process for creating backdrops can be used for so many other large format creative installations. We are not limited to canvas or fabric, we can produce art on walls, wood, plexi-glass, etc. I suspect if you can think it we can create it!

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