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Top 7 Backdrops from Newsies

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The year is 1899. Jack and his friends are newspaper street vendors who struggle to find profit for their work. One day, David Jabob and his younger brother Les join the newsies. Jack identifies an opportunity with the brothers and nurtures them. Unlike the others, David and Les are working to support their family. As they all grow closer, the brothers invite Jack to their home, and he becomes enamored with their sister, Sarah.  

As things start looking up, Jack and the newsies discover that the New York World publisher, Joseph Pulitzer, has raised the prices of the newspapers. Jack, David, and the other boys angrily respond and agree to go on strike. They also try to confront Joseph Pulitzer but are immediately kicked out of his office.

Top 7 Backdrops from Newsies 1

Jack asks other newsies across Manhattan and Brooklyn to join the strike. In the meantime, David proposes that the newsies invade the factories and destroy the newspapers. Unfortunately, they get captured by Pulitzer’s officers and sent to the juvenile detention center Refuge.

The many setbacks don’t seem to be enough to deter Jack and his friends. They try to convince the strikebreakers to join them but are quickly ambushed by Pulitzer’s men. However, newsies from Brooklyn arrive and help them. 

The story of the strikes caught the eye of The Sun reporter, Bryan Denton, who published a note of their struggles on the front page. At the sight of this news, the newsies plan a rally. Pulitzer also finds out Jack is a Refuge escapee and intends to send him back. 

Jack, David, and the newsies gather at Medda Larkson’s Bowery and encourage each other to continue the strike. Soon after, the police arrive and arrest some of the gathered boys. Bryan Denton pays their fines. However, Jack is sentenced to four years of rehabilitation at the Refuge. Pulitzer offered to remove his sentence and even pay him a salary if he continued working despite the strike. On the other hand, he warns him that the other newsies will end up in the Refuge if they do not give up.

The newsies feel confused when they find Jack working the next day. Nonetheless, he risks everything to rescue David, Les, and their sister after Pillitzer’s men attack them. Denton, who has been reassigned as a war correspondent, can no longer report the strike. He also informs Jack and the others that public opinion about the strikes is not in their favor since child labor is so common in the city. 

Following this news, they decided to print a newsie banner and give it to child workers all over the city, who now join forces with them to stall the workforce. Denton shares this with Governor Theodore Roosevelt, successfully exposing the wicked conditions the Refuge offers to their kids. Jack and David confront Pulitzer again, but he concedes this time

Roosevelt has the Rufuge shut down. He thanks Jack for raising awareness of this situation and offers him a ride. He decides to fulfill his dream of going to Santa Fe, and even though the newsies are sad to see him go, they all say goodbye to him. As they leave, Roosevelt convinces Jack he belongs in New York and decides to return to his friends. The newsies celebrate their victory, with Jack and Sarah sharing a kiss.

New York 

Transport your audience with the Daytime New York Street theatrical backdrop, which takes you to downtown New York City with all the tall buildings. The buildings are grey and brick-colored. The background is a beautiful blue sky with fluffy white clouds.

New York Street backdrop S3583 fullsize scaled

The New York Street backdrop includes a row of buildings, a Coney Island billboard, and the city skyline with the Statue of Liberty in silhouette against a cloudy sunset sky.

New York Street backdrop ES8074 3

On the other hand, the Night New York Skyline stage background depicts a city lit up at night.  All of the buildings are aglow with yellow light streaming from the windows.  In the background, you see the dark blue and gray night with a sliver of a yellow moon hanging in the sky.

Stylized New York Skyline 3 backdrop S1610 fullsize scaled

The New York Skyline showcases the glorious city seen across the bay. The backdrop is set in the daytime with skyscrapers looming and the beautiful bay in front.

New York Skyline 1

Finally, the Nighttime City Rooftops stage drop displays brownstone buildings in the foreground with lit windows. In the background, you can see a suspension bridge in silhouette against a blue and purple night sky.

S0222 nighttime city rooftops

Use these rentable backdrops to set the stage for your production of this amazing tale.


Make all the headlines with the Newspaper Montage backdrop. It highlights the dramatic print of breaking news and different historical events. 

Newspaper Montage backdrop ES2435 1

Use this rentable backdrop to create the perfect ambiance for this classic story.

Backstage Theatre

Create the most amazing stage with the Backstage Theater theatrical backdrop. It featured a red brick wall with columns and arches. On the wall hang silver heater grates. There are also two ladders and four fire pails hanging on the wall. Propped against the wall looks to be the backs of paintings. 

Resize Backstage Theater backdrop ES8209 1

Use this backdrop, available for rent, to depict the outside of a Newspaper building.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the backdrops from Newsies?

The backdrops from Newsies include New York streets, breathtaking skylines, and nighttime rooftops.

What are the themes behind Newsies’ backdrops?

The themes behind Newsies’ backdrops include their resilience, the injustices they face, and the struggles related to the exploitative nature of child labor. They also represent the camaraderie among the boys and their dreams to get ahead.

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