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Sandy’s Grosh

We interrupt this regularly scheduled Grosh blog for an important report from a long time Grosh employee who wants to share a little of her experience working at this company that helps bring events and productions to life!

Sandy’s Grosh Experience

Hello!  My name is Sandra Guillen I am the Customer Service Representative here at Grosh Backdrops and Drapery.

How It All Started

Just before I started working at Grosh, coming up on 8 years now, I can remember looking at the job description: “Receptionist needed to support the front desk and administrative tasks for a backdrop rental company.”   I thought, what’s a backdrop?!

After some extensive research through every Broadway hit, television show, and movie known to man, I finally realized what that large painted thing was behind the performers! I guess they had never been something I ever thought about as a fan and audience member.   I realized how they actually are a significant part of setting the mood and creating the environment whether it’s theatrical or, for me, at a concert!

Sandy & Flogging Molly

I’m reminded of a time when Grosh was commissioned to create a backdrop for the awesome Irish Punk band Flogging Molly. I was so excited because they are one of my favorite bands!!!

The Backdrop for the Band

The drop they wanted was of a pirate ship painted in Luminescent paint, also known as Black light paint. This paint would allow the lighting crew to highlight the ship with whatever color they chose, including multiple colors.

Picking the Warehouse

When the job was set, the customer’s only job was to pick it up from our warehouse.

However, it wasn’t as simple as that. It was Friday afternoon and we were a few minutes shy of closing for the weekend… and no one had arrived to pick up the drop. We called the customer to make sure they were on their way, they were but running very late.

Final Details

The assistant knew what time we closed and began pleading with us to stay open for her. We knew that they needed this drop for their show in San Francisco the very next day, and hearing the desperation in her voice, we were more than happy to wait for her. When she arrived, she was so thankful she said, “Anything you guys want, it’s yours…”

That’s when the groupie in me sprang into action and yelled out “tickets to a show!” And it was then when she uttered that beautiful word, Done!  The following Saturday Silvia (Ramos) and a few friends enjoyed some Irish punk rock fun!

Seeing Grosh in Action

It was amazing to see our drop in action too, changing colors as the mood of the songs did. I don’t think I’ve ever looked at a backdrop longer than I did during this show. After working at Grosh for a few years, I had a better appreciation of the hard work that goes into the designing and painting of these drops. I not only got a chance to see one of my favorite bands, but also watch our drop come to life, truly amazing!!!

First Years in Grosh

My first years at Grosh were some of the most informative years of my life!! Not only was I learning many valuable skills and life lessons on how to be a professional and team player in the workplace, but I was building my backdrop knowledge and not even realizing it. I found myself becoming familiar with all the steps required in creating a backdrop.  All the way from the mere idea of a drop to, the flame retardant solution it gets treated with. Want to know how long flame retardant solution really lasts??? Thiiiiiis much! Lol!

The Special Event

I also attended my first ever tradeshow, The Special Event (TSE) 2015 !! I can honestly say it was one of the best times I ever had! Walking around the floor of the Anaheim Convention Center (which is, at the moment, home to WonderCon and the Star Wars Celebration)  I’m a huge Geek, whatever!!!), I got to see the various types of other companies showcase their goods and services.

When they asked what I did, I mentioned that I worked for Grosh and they immediately began asking me questions about our company. After answering all their questions and exchanging information, I thought, “Now THIS is what it’s like to network with the big dogs! Needless to say, I was thoroughly impressed with myself and all of my knowledge of the backdrop biz!! I think I had my “Don’t mess with me” cool glasses on for the rest of the day.

Role of Grosh in Sandy’s Life

I can’t begin to express how big of a part Grosh has played in my life. The knowledge I attained here helped me become the confident and hardworking individual I am today! I can’t thank this company…well, more like this family, enough for all the experiences I’ve had. I feel like I’ve always taken something from everything I did and the people I’ve met.

Most employers would raise a brow to a tattooed, blue haired weirdo geek girl that can’t stop laughing at her own jokes… but Grosh chose to embrace my nuttiness and see it as a way of lightening up the workplace and adding more personality and character.  Not to mention all the concerts, events and interesting celebrity encounters I’ve had over the years, we work in Hollywood after all!!

At any rate, I’ve had quite the adventure here at Grosh and hope to have plenty more in the years to come.

Thank you for listening and have a great summer!!!

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