Venice Canal Pop-Up Drop

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8'h x 10'w $325.00 POP0012
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Take your audience to one of the most beautiful vacation spots in the world with our Venice Canal Pop-Up Drop. The Venice Canal Pop-Up backdrop features a colorful building with boats floating on the crisp blue waters of venice. In the background you see buildings lit up for the night appearing to sit on the water. The sky shows a night sky full of purple and blue hues. The Pop-Up Drop by Grosh Backdrops & Drapery is the most convenient backdrop for Events, Performances, Weddings and more - Pop Up anywhere in minutes! Designed with the customer in mind, it’s a complete kit that includes the backdrop graphic, frame and shipping case. No tools required in this easy set up. To rent this Venice Canal Pop-Up Drop, please call one of our experienced backdrop consultants or place your order online.


  • Log onto your Grosh account using your username and password
  • Complete Rental Agreement and accept Terms & Conditions by clicking ACCEPT.
  • Pay $100 (non-refundable) deposit per backdrop or drapery/per rental week or full balance

Grosh accepts all major credit cards

  • If paying by check, it must be received 14 days after placing your order.
  • (Schools Only) Signed Purchase Orders must be received and approved within 10 days of placing the order