Dusty Western Street

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16'8h x 23'w $250.00 S0231
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It's time to ride!  Let our Dusty Western Street backdrop take your audience back to the wild wild west. In this scenic image you see the iconic storefronts of a western street.  In the foreground is the wooden poles to tie your horses. Behind the horse ties you see two of the shops that every small Western town needs. The scenic backdrop of a western street is ideal for shows like Crazy for You, Annie Get Your Gun, Seven Brides for Seven Brothers, Paint Your Wagon and other Western events. Call us today to start your rental for our Dusty Western Street theatrical backdrop. Grosh rents to all of the U.S., Canada, and Puerto Rico


  • Log onto your Grosh account using your username and password
  • Complete Rental Agreement and accept Terms & Conditions by clicking ACCEPT.
  • Pay $100 (non-refundable) deposit per backdrop or drapery/per rental week or full balance

Grosh accepts all major credit cards

  • If paying by check, it must be received 14 days after placing your order.
  • (Schools Only) Signed Purchase Orders must be received and approved within 10 days of placing the order