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The show MUST go on!***Contest***

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I am sure you all are just as tired as I am of hearing about balloon boy, or more appropriately “attic boy” but there is something to be learned by this media frenzy hoax. There are so many stories of people doing anything and everything they can to get ahead and make a quick profit, whether its morale or not. Attic boy and his family were certainly not the first to try to cash in on their 15minutes of fame. Anyone remember the cute 4 year old Picasso Prodigy? Or what about the Vegas couple that found a severed fingertip in a bowl of Wendy’s chili and sued the chain restaurant? Or how about the Ohio parents that shaved their 7 year old daughter’s head and then enrolled her in an end of life counseling treatment center as a means to make a few bucks?

Things are not always what they seem, plain and simple. The pictures of our backdrops and drapery on our website are actual pictures of our products taken from inside our warehouses. They are not digitally enhanced or waiting to be created when ordered. We have an excellent team of in-house artists who provide top quality work in our Los Angeles, CA facility. We invite our clients into our facility and are happy to provide photographs of your custom or rental backdrop while in production so you can see the quality you’re getting. William Blake said “Pride is a personal commitment. It is an attitude which separates excellence from mediocrity”. At Grosh we are committed to excellence.

We understand that with the economy today, times are hard. Like many businesses out there, small, medium or large, we feel the pinch too. In hard economic times people turn to entertainment as a means to escape so we know that the show must go on! At Grosh there’s no such thing as 15 minutes of fame! Let us help turn your 15minutes of fame into a lifetime of memories!Tell us how Grosh Backdrops can help make your show or special event a success for a chance to win a free one week backdrop rental, shipping included. You can email submissions to, Twitter us in 140 charaters or less, or Facebook us .
***Entries due 11/12/09.***

R.L Grosh 1943R.L Grosh 1943



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